On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 11:33 AM David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:

Just spend the extra two characters to do this with existing syntax:  w('field1 field2 field3'). Implementation of the w() function is trivial.

I've done that as well and see that done.  Sometimes with s('field1 field2'), sometimes with other characters.  Sometimes with two letter functions.

Part of what I'd like to do here is make it so there's one way that most people do this.  If you look through data analytics books and examples, the default is ['field1', 'field2' 'field3'].  That's a lot of little characters to type correctly and it's error prone (for instance, did you immediately notice that I was missing a "," in that example? Python will silently make that ['field1','field2field3']).
