> It is not reasonable to expect an error to be generated at runtime:
> because each and every object would have to be queried as to whether
> they have the attribute to know if there is ambiguity on each and every
> reference to an attribute.

It absolutely is:
if you're using an "inferred" syntax like

in object:

but there are multiple such objects to look at, Python immediately throws an error, before doing any kind of lookup. Hence the error doesn't say "I couldn't find the attribute x on any object" but instead "There's ambiguity so I didn't even try".

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:19 PM MRAB <python@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
On 2016-05-02 23:06, Erik wrote:
> On 02/05/16 23:00, Joshua Morton wrote:
>> It should be a name error, perhaps 'Accessed object's name cannot be
>> inferred', or a similar error to UnboundLocalException.
> You are missing the point.
> It is not reasonable to expect an error to be generated at compile time:
> because the compiler has no way of knowing what attributes will exist on
> the objects at runtime.
> It is not reasonable to expect an error to be generated at runtime:
> because each and every object would have to be queried as to whether
> they have the attribute to know if there is ambiguity on each and every
> reference to an attribute.
> The question of which error or warning or exception should be generated
> is moot ;)
You _don't_ have to know attributes are available. It's as simple(?) as:
when it sees the leading-dot notation, it checks how many expressions
the enclosing 'with' was followed by.

For example:

     with something:

is OK (the 'with' has 1 expression), but:

    with first_thing, second_else:

might not be OK (the 'with' has 2 expressions).

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