On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 12:45 AM, Daniel Moisset <dmoisset@machinalis.com> wrote:
(3) Unlike a case/switch statement, there's no implication that the compiler could optimise the order of look-ups; it is purely top to bottom.
[we are talking about a multi-branch pattern matching statement now, not just "apttern matching"] In most practical cases, a compiler can do relatively simple static analysis (even in python) that could result in performance improvements. One obvious improvement is that the matched expression can be evaluated once (you can achieve the same effect always with a dummy variable assignment right before the if/elif statement).
That one isn't an optimization, but part of the specification; it is an advantage of the fact that you're writing the match expression just once. But all the rest of your optimizations aren't trustworthy.
But for multiple literal string patterns (a common scenario), you can compile a string matcher that is faster than a sequence of equality comparisons (either through hashing+comparison fallback or creating some decision tree that goes through the input string once).
Only if you're doing equality checks (no substrings or anything else where it might match more than one of them). And if you're doing "pattern matching" that's nothing more than string equality comparisons, a dict is a better way to spell it.
For integers you can make lookup tables.
If they're just equality checks, again, a dict is better. If they're ranges, you would have to ensure that they don't overlap (no problem if they're all literals), and then you could potentially optimize it.
Even an ifinstance check choosing between several branches (a not so uncommon occurrence) could be implemented by a faster operation if somewhat considered that relevant.
Only if you can guarantee that no single object can be an instance of more than one of the types. Otherwise, you still have to check in some particular order. In CPython, you can guarantee that isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(x, str) can't both be true, but that's basically a CPython implementation detail, due to the way C-implemented classes work. You can't use this to dispatch based on exception types, for instance. Let's say you try to separately dispatch ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, and OSError; and then you get this:
class DivisionByOSError(ZeroDivisionError, OSError, ValueError): pass ... raise DivisionByOSError() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> __main__.DivisionByOSError
That thing really truly is all three of those types, and you have to decide how to dispatch that. So there needs to be an order to the checks, with no optimization. ChrisA