On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 3:55 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Indeed we do. But we also say:

- we say "+" instead of "add"
- we say "//" instead of "floor division"
- we say "**" instead of "exponentiation"
- we say "&" instead of "bitwise AND"
- we say "f( ... )" instead of "call f with arguments ..." 
I don't think that "+" is harder to read than 

Please let's drop the argument that + - * / = and ? are the same. They clearly are not. Anybody learned those symbols at elementary schools, all programming languages have them and using math in programming is common enough to justify a symbol over a keyword. "a + b" is literally just an addition and nothing else. The "?" variants have multiple meanings, spellings and implications:

- "a ?? b" means "b is chosen over a if a is None"

- "a ??= b" means "a is set to b if a is None" 

- "a?.b" means "a.b is executed but only if a is not None"

- "a?[2] ?? 3" means "index 2 of list a is picked up if a is not None, else use 3"
"a?.b"and "a?[2]" in particular go way beyond the mere "it's not pretty" argument which, I concur, can be subjective, as you don't know where evaluation stops. Even "a ??= b" goes beyond that as it introduces yet another assignment operator (the third, as we now have = and :=). So again, I don't think it's fair to dismiss the whole thing as "it's just another symbol" or "it's like a + b".

As for bitwise operators: they are kinda obscure and low-levelish and when I bump into them I still have to pause to reason what's going on. The difference with ? though is that you basically have no other way to do the same thing. Also they are much more rare and also are present in many other languages since... forever. 

Giampaolo - http://grodola.blogspot.com