On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 4:18 AM Peter O'Connor <peter.ed.oconnor@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 1:28 PM Caleb Donovick <donovick@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
... One could do something like: ``` def fun(a, b=0): ... def wraps_fun(args, b=inspect.signature(fun).parameters['b'].default): ... ``` But I would hardly call that clear.
I like this approach too - it just needs a cleaner syntax. Python could make functions more "object like" by having fields for args (though I'm sure that would inspire some controversy):
def fun(a, b=0): ... def wraps_fun(args, b=fun.args.b.default): ...
Functions ARE objects, so they can't really be more "object-like" :) But they have their argument defaults in a slightly different way: func.__defaults__ is a tuple of default values for the rightmost N arguments, and func.__kwdefaults__ is a mapping from name to default for keyword-only arguments. If you want to be able to look up any argument (positional-only, pos-or-kwd, keyword-only) by name, you need something that digs through the function's details and gives back that mapping - and that's what inspect.signature does. So yes, it's not exactly clear... but it's also not really something you should be doing a lot of. Also, it's entirely possible that future versions of Python will have a concept of optional arguments that don't *have* defaults, so the entire idea of passing the default wouldn't work. Currently, the only way to truly say "maybe pass this argument", is to use *args or **kwargs. spam(*(1,) * use_eggs) spam(**{"eggs": 1} if use_eggs else {}) Still clunky, but legal, and guaranteed to work in all Python versions. It's not something I've needed often enough to want dedicated syntax for, though. ChrisA