I don't know how good this is, though.
It's not needed. The namedtuple() function already makes enums trivially simple for anyone who wants to go down this path:
flags = namedtuple('flags', 'OK ERROR OTHER')(*range(3)) flags flags(OK=0, ERROR=1, OTHER=2) flags.OTHER 2
I'm strongly against adding any variant of enum() to the standard library. It distracts users from existing, better approaches like module level constants, classes, dicts, and function attributes. While enums make some sense in compiled languages, there is almost zero need for them in Python. Module level constants are often the way to go -- they look cleaner and they save an unnecessary level of indirection (that is cost-free in a compiled language but expensive in Python): re.IGNORECASE is better than re.flags.IGNORECASE decimal.Overflow is better than decimal.exceptions.Overflow Raymond