There are many ugly recipes about to handle the common use case that could be handled by:
def findfirst(regex, text, default=None, flags=0):
return next(finditer(regex, text, flags=flags), default=default)
The matching and return value semantics would be the same as those of
re.findall(), but the search would stop on the first match, or return "default" if there wasn't a match (
findfirst() will return a tuple when more than one group is matched).
Typically programmers will use:
matched = re.findall(regex, text)[0]
which is inefficient, and incorrect when there is no match.
Typically, the pattern for the use case will be:
m =, text)
if m:
matched = m.groups()
matched = default
matched = m.groups() if (m :=, text)) else default
The semantics of findall() are nicer, and so would be those of findfirst().