class OrderedDefaultDict, __missing__(), kwargs.pop('default_factory') - Src:
From :
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <> wrote:
Actually, forget all that; it's even simpler.
At least in recent 3.x, the only thing wrong with inheriting from both types, assuming you put OrderedDict first, is the __init__ signature. So:
class OrderedDefaultDict(OrderedDict, defaultdict): def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw): OrderedDict.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.default_factory = default_factory
More importantly, because __missing__ support is built into dict, despite the confusing docs for defaultdict, you don't really need defaultdict at all here:
class OrderedDefaultDict(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw): OrderedDict.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.default_factory = default_factory def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = value = default_factory() return value
And either of these should work with 2.5+ (according to that's when dict.__missing__ was added).
... This seems to keep a consistent __init__ signature with OrderedDict (by
.pop()-ing 'default_factory' from kwargs instead of specifying as a positionalkwarg):
class OrderedDefaultDict(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, *a, **kw): default_factory = kw.pop('default_factory', self.__class__) OrderedDict.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.default_factory = default_factory def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = value = self.default_factory() return value
I've added a few tests (as well as to_json, and _repr_json_ c1a3a7394e401d4742df0617900bde6ab2643300#file-ordereddefaultdict-py-L120- L122 <> (Without this fix, json.loads(output_json, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDefaultDict) doesn't seem to work).
On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Chris Barker <> wrote:
If we really want to make defaultdict feel more "builtin" (and I don't see
any reason to do so), I'd suggest adding a factory function:
I agree -- what about:
dict.sorteddict() ??
make easy access to various built-in dict variations...
Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer
Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
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