On Wed, 17 Feb 2021 at 18:15, Abdulla Al Kathiri <alkathiri.abdulla@gmail.com> wrote:
How is this not pythonic? 

series.apply(x -> x**2)
Compared to.. 
series.apply(lambda x: x**2)

(x, y) -> x+y, () -> 0, (x) -> x**2 (for single parameter, we can write it without parenthesis like the example above) are pythonic enough to my eyes. 

Well, for m eyes, the above is definetellly  "perlonic" . it could be "j" before being Pyrhon. 

This is Pythonic:

def f1(x, y): 
   return x + y

def f2():
  return 0

def f3(x):
   return x ** 2

And it took me a while looking at our example to check it was not really fuction composition with
default parameters, or what. 

I mentioned violation of 6 of the first 7 phrases in the famous "zen of Python" - 
most important of which can be reasonably agreed is the 7th: "Readability counts".

If you don't want readability at all in exchange for typing a few keywords 
(which more and more automatic tools can auto-complete), I'd suggest going
for the "forth" language. 


On 17 Feb 2021, at 10:59 PM, Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbueno@python.org.br> wrote:

If someone comes with a "pythonic" way to lift restrictions on
lambda, that could be something for debate, but so far this is
just about uglifying it, and creating a new syntax matching
exactly what exists today.