Hi all,

I have a specialized use case for exceptions which need to analyze their __cause__ property before they're fully initialized. The property isn't set until after init, and (forgive my ignorance of Python's source!) appears to be done at the C level in a way that it can't be observed with a property setter or __setattr__. I currently create a method to do this post-init work as a workaround, and push the burden of making sure it gets called on the code using the exceptions--but this makes the exceptions idiomatic and error-prone.

A magic method called once all of the special exception properties are already set would suffice. The exception could define something like __raised__(self) to react to the new values of those properties.

A more comprehensive approach might be a __raise__(self, cause, context, traceback...) method which has full control over setting the properties, but I assume there are good reasons why the usual channels (setters and __setattr__) are cut out of the loop.

I was encouraged to bring discussion here (to see if there's any traction) after opening an enhancement request (http://bugs.python.org/issue23902).
