On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 at 07:16 Berker Peksağ <berker.peksag@gmail.com> wrote:
There are some updates about this topic. And I have something to discuss to get things forward.
We (Japanese translation team) and Julien start sharing one Transifex
On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 12:21 PM, INADA Naoki <songofacandy@gmail.com> wrote: project.
Please see this dashboard. We have nice progress. https://www.transifex.com/python-doc/python-35/dashboard/
Julien want hosting french documentation at https://docs.python.org/fr/ I don't have strong opinion about where to hosting, but I want to share more efforts (automated build + hosting) with Julien and other language communities.
Since Berker Peksag against about hosting translated document on docs.python.org [1], I'm considering about using github pages.
I got "python-docs" organization already for it [2]. So translated documents can be hosted on URL like https://python-docs.github.io/py35-ja/ or https://python-docs.github.io/py35/fr/ . (first part of the path should be same to repository name).
I already uses github pages for testing Japanese translation [3]. It's nice place to host webpage. We can get https and CDN for free.
[1]: https://github.com/python/docsbuild-scripts/pull/8 [2]: https://github.com/python-docs [3]: https://python-doc-ja.github.io/py35/
So I want to discuss (and get consensus) about where should we host translated document.
a) translated docs on docs.python.org / issue tracker on github.com/python-docs/ b) translated docs on python-docs.github.io / issue tracker on github.com/python-docs/
+1 for b) or any idea that would indicate that the Python developers don't maintain translations of the official documentation. I don't have a strong opinion on naming the GitHub organization (maybe python-docs-translations?) but that can be discussed later. Another advantage of this approach is that you can have separate issue trackers for each language (e.g. python-docs-fr) so people can easily report documentation issues in their native languages.
Does hosting on Read the Docs makes any of this easier/harder?