A bit disappointing, but very much expected. I just though a bit of effort is worth even for 0.1% probability of success. At least from where I stand, such change would make a fairly big impact on the things I do, given my expected relationship with python. I haven’t studied much of a history of python and I know how much I do not know. I always let go when there is a conviction it is a right thing to do. :) Thank you for your reply. PEPs that get referred to in this group are always informative to me. Maybe I will spend some time going through PEPs to get a bit more familiar.
On 18 Jul 2023, at 00:23, David Mertz, Ph.D. <david.mertz@gmail.com> wrote:
This ship has sailed and the ternary operator isn't going to change. Seriously, let it go.
I forget the PEP, but this was well discussed long ago when the ternary was added. In general, Python prefers words to punctuation symbols for most of its constructs. So the decision was consistent with that. I do believe that such a choice is friendlier for people learning a first programming language, since it resembles English prose. While I like the C-style operator as well, I think the Python version does the right thing by emphasizing the DEFAULT by putting it first, and leaving the predicate and fallback until later in the expression (right for Pythonic code, not right for other languages necessarily).
Either way, the question is moot.
On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 4:42 PM Dom Grigonis <dom.grigonis@gmail.com <mailto:dom.grigonis@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi everyone,
I am not very keen on long discussions on such matter as I do not think there is much to discuss: there is no technical complexity in it and it doesn’t really change or introduce anything new. It is only a matter of opinion & style/design preferences with respect to logical order and brevity of a statement.
So I thought, if anyone can be bothered on such question and instead of writing 3-minute e-mail, would take few seconds to answer 3-question poll.
https://q5yitzu62.supersurvey.com <https://q5yitzu62.supersurvey.com/>
Would be interesting to see if my preference is an outlier or not really.
Kind regards, D. Grigonis
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