On 11 May 2011 04:19, Carl M. Johnson <cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
Can we all at least agree that continuation lines should always be at least one space more indented than the parent line?
Like it or not, some_string = """\ Text to be used for something incredibly exciting!""" is not uncommon. I know about textwrap.dedent, but having to use a Python function call to code a literal has always made me uncomfortable. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that there are reasonable arguments why it might be reasonable. What's wrong with just saying that continuation lines should be formatted as appropriate to ensure readability, and leave it at that? I know people have various standards of readability, but I'm willing to assume that PEP 8 is targeted at people with some level of common sense (anyone who is arguing "letter of the law" over something daft like the example that started the thread is clearly trolling and could find loopholes in anything, so why bother trying to convince them?) Paul.