In _collections_abc.py is a private function titled `_check_methods`. It takes a class and a number of method names (as strings), checks if the class has all of the methods, and returns NotImplemented if any are missing. The code is below:

def _check_methods(C, *methods):
    mro = C.__mro__
    for method in methods:
        for B in mro:
            if method in B.__dict__:
                if B.__dict__[method] is None:
                    return NotImplemented
            return NotImplemented
    return True

This is an incredibly convenient function (referred to as check_methods here on out) for creating abstract base classes, and is much simpler than using `hasattr` for each method you want to check. For example:

>>> from abc import ABCMeta
>>> # Without check_methods
>>> class A(metaclass=ABCMeta):
...     @classmethod
...     def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass):
...         return (hasattr(subclass, 'foo') and
...                 callable(subclass.foo) and
...                 hasattr(subclass, 'bar') and
...                 callable(subclass.bar) or
...                 NotImplemented)
>>> # With check_methods
>>> class B(metaclass=ABCMeta):
...     @classmethod
...     def __subclasshook(cls, subclass):
...         return check_methods(subclass, 'foo', 'bar')

This would be a great function to add to the standard lib, perhaps in the `abc` module.

One problem with `check_methods` as defined in _collections_abc.py is that it doesn't check if the name is callable. Also, type hints and more readable variables may be desirable. The final code, if implemented, may look something like this:

# In imports section: from typing import Literal
def check_methods(Class: type, *methods: str) -> Literal[True, NotImplemented]:
    """Check if class `Class` has methods `methods`."""
    mro = Class.__mro__
    for method in methods:
        for Base in mro:
            if (attr := getattr(Base, method, None)) is not None:
                if not callable(attr):
                    return NotImplemented
            return NotImplemented
    return True

Again, this would be a great function to add to the `abc` module or a similar one.
I've proposed this in issue 44941.
Another possible implementation may be similar to a dataclass that implements __subclasshook__ for you with the desired method checks.