Carl M. Johnson writes:
Anyway, you'll get no argument from me: Regexes are easy once you know regexes. For whatever reason though, I've never been able to successfully, permanently learn regexes.
How about learning them long enough to write
def multisplit (source, char1, char2): ... return re.split("".join(["[",char1,char2,"]"]),source) ... multisplit ("a-b_c","_","-") ['a', 'b', 'c']
or a generalization as needed? I'm not unsympathetic to the need, but there are just too many Zen or near-Zen principles violated by this proposal. I'm getting old and cranky enough myself that I have to explicitly remind myself to do this kind of thing, but arguing against the Zen doesn't work very well, even here on python-ideas. Life is easier for me when I remember to help myself!