Ned Batchelder writes:
On 11/26/13 5:31 PM, Alex Seewald wrote:
For a match object, m, is the semantics for accessing the entire span of the match. For newcomers to regular expressions who are not familiar with the concept of a 'group', the name group(0) is counter-intuitive. A more natural-language-esque alias to group(0), perhaps 'matchSpan', could reduce the time novices spend from idea to working code. Of course, this convenience would introduce a bit of complexity to the codebase, so it may or may not be worth it to add an alias to group(0). What do people think?
-1 on "matchSpan", which isn't intuitive to me (and my first guess would be (match.start, match.end) -- which *isn't* because of match.span, this is the first I've heard of it although my eyes may have just slid over it in reading the docs). -0.5 on the whole idea, the not very clueful students I occasionally have to lead by the nose through this stuff have no trouble with .group(0). Their big problem is getting peeved about the whole idea that regexps aren't globs, forgetting the period leads to failed matches that they often fail to diagnose for themselves. :-P
I like the idea of a better attribute for accessing the matched text. I would go for either "m.matched" or "m.text".
Please, not "text"; I would expect that to be the target string, not a substring.
While we're at it, how can it be that we haven't improved the __repr__ after all these years?
Because there are multiple implementations of re?