On 22 Jun 2015 09:40, "Antoine Pitrou" <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
On Mon, 22 Jun 2015 09:31:06 +1000 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
Windows actually has superior native parallel execution APIs to Linux in some respects, but open source programming languages tend not to support them, presumably due to a combination of Microsoft's longstanding
perspective on open source licencing (which seems to finally be moderating with their new CEO), and the even longer standing POSIX mindset that "fork and file descriptors ought to be enough for anyone" (even if the workload in the child processes is wildly different from that in the main
hostile process).
Or perhaps the fact that those superiors APIs are a PITA. select() and friends may be crude performance-wise (though, strangely, we don't see providers migrating massively to Windows in order to improve I/O throughput), but they are simple to use.
Aye, there's a reason using a smart IDE like Visual Studio, IntelliJ or Eclipse is pretty much essential for both Windows and Java programming. These platforms fall squarely on the "tools maven" side of Oliver Steele's "IDE Divide": http://blog.osteele.com/posts/2004/11/ides/ The opportunity I think we have with Python is to put a cross platform text editor friendly abstraction layer across these kinds of underlying capabilities :) Cheers, Nick.