On 24 Oct 2019, at 01:02, Christopher Barker <pythonchb@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 12:52 PM Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <python-ideas@python.org> wrote:
The main problem is that a str is a sequence of single-character str, each of which is a one-element sequence of itself, etc. forever. If you wanted to change this, I think it would make more sense to go the opposite way: leave str a sequence, but make it a sequence of char objects. (And likewise, bytes and bytearray could be sequences of byte objects—or just go all the way to making them sequences of ints.) And then maybe add a c prefix for defining char constants, and you’ve solved all the problems without having to add new confusing methods or properties.

I've thought for a long time that this would be a "good thing". the "string or sequence of strings" issues is pretty much the only hidden-bug-triggering type error I've gotten since "true division".

The only way we really live with it fairly easily is that strings are pretty much never duck typed -- so I can check if I got a string, and then I know I didn't get a sequence of strings. But I've always wondered how disruptive it would be to add a char type -- it doesn't seem like it would be very disruptive, but I have not thought it through at all. And I'm not sure how much string functionality a char should have -- probably next to none, as the point is that it would be easy to distinguish from a string that happened to have one character.

By the way, the bytes and bytearray types already does this -- index into or loop through a bytes object, you get an int.

I would think it's fine if we depreciate the iter on str and supply a chars() method. Personally I think that can yield str and not int. The could be a codes() or char_codes() method for that. 

/ Anders