01.06.20 18:28, Raymond Hettinger пише:
On Jun 1, 2020, at 3:32 AM, ava@yert.pink ava@yert.pink <ava@yert.pink> wrote:
I propose that the `Set` ABC API should be augmented to contain all of the named methods. This would provide consistency in the collections, and enhance the duck typing capabilities of the `Set` abc.
Two thoughts. First, I believe Guido intentionally omitted the named set methods from the ABC — perhaps the reasons are documented in the ABC PEP. Second, most APIs are easily expanded by adding new methods, but ABCs define a minimum for other classes to implement. So if we added new methods, it would likely break code that was only meeting the existing minimum.
Concur with Raymond. Also I want to add that ducktyping does not relay on ABCs. Actually they are opposite approaches.