On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 6:08 AM Mike Miller <python-ideas@mgmiller.net> wrote:
Thanks all,
I'm willing to start work on a PEP, perhaps next week. Unless Marius would prefer to do it.
One fly in the ointment is that I don't feel strongly about the choice of solution 1, 2, or last-minute entry.
That's not a problem. You can write up the arguments for and against each side fairly, and let them convince you. Early phases of PEPs don't have to have all the specifics set in concrete. Marius or Mike, whoever's going to do this: you'll want to start by reading through PEP 12, taking a copy of that file as a template. https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0012/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python/peps/master/pep-0012.rst Feel free to reach out to me or any of the other PEP editors if you need a hand with the mechanics. ChrisA