On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Raymond Hettinger <python@rcn.com> wrote:
Facundo, I would like to work with you on this. I've been the primary maintainer for heapq for a while and had already started working on something like this in response to repeated requested to support a key= function (like that for sorted/min/max).
After a not much complicated, but different year (I had a kid!), I'm bringing this thread back to live. There were different proposals of different people about what to do after my initial mail, we can separate them in two sections: - Move the Heap class to the collections module: I'm just changing the heapq module to have an OO interface, instead a bunch of functions. I'm +0 to moving it to "collections", but note that even after the reordering of the stdlib for Py3, the heapq module remained there. - Add functionality to the Heap class: I'm +0 to this, but I don't want to stop this change in function of further functionality... I propose to have the same functionality, in an OO and less error prone way. We can add more functionality afterwards. What do you think? Raymond, let's work together... but don't know where. The Heap class is already coded in my first mail, if you want to start from there and add functionality, I'm +0. If you want me to add tests and push the inclusion of that class into the module, just tell me. Something else, I'm all ears, :) Regards, -- . Facundo Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/ PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/