On Sun, Mar 25, 2007, Talin wrote:
Thinking more about this, it seems to me that discussions of syntax for doing parallel operations and nifty classes for synchronization are a bit premature. The real question, it seems to me, is how to get Python to operate concurrently at all.
Maybe that's what it seems to you; to others of us who have been looking at this problem for a while, the real question is how to get a better multi-process control and IPC library in Python, preferably one that is cross-platform. You can investigate that right now, and you don't even need to discuss it with other people. (Despite my oft-stated fondness for threading, I do recognize the problems with threading, and if there were a way to make processes as simple as threads from a programming standpoint, I'd be much more willing to push processes.) -- Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ "Typing is cheap. Thinking is expensive." --Roy Smith