On 08/01/2023 00.56, James Addison via Python-ideas wrote:
# Feature or enhancement The str.partition[1] method -- and similarly the bytes.partition[2] method -- is useful when dividing an input into subcomponents while returning a tuple of deterministic length (currently 3) and potentially retaining the delimiters.
The feature described here adds support for multiple positional arguments to those methods.
Like the idea of being able to supply a list of separators. In which case, the return would need to indicate which separator was being applied to which partitioning (see below).
The first positional argument would be applied to the input instance that the method is called from -- no change from existing behaviour.
Subsequent positional arguments would be applied to the rightmost component of the previous application of the partition algorithm.
This part seemed an unnecessary limitation - why imply an order? Why isn't the definition of the first partition: that part of the string up-to (but not including) the first of any of the provided separator-strings?
For example:
login_string = 'username@hostname:2001' username, _, hostname, _, port = login_string.partition('@', ':')
Would be better to provide an example which is not already performed by two path libraries. Also, would like to see how are thinking the resulting construct would/could be processed, ie how to consume the resulting tuple. Might it be better to produce a set of tuple-pairs? result = ( ( 'foo', ':', ), ( 'bar', ';', ), ( 'baz', ), ) or indeed: result = ( ( 'foo', ), ( ':', 'bar', ), ( ';', 'baz', ), ) NB partition() currently returns a tuple of strings, do you intend to also propose output as a list? -- -- Regards, =dn