2017-11-28 10:06 GMT+03:00 C Anthony Risinger <c@anthonyrisinger.com>:

If not already considered, what if the RHS had to be explicitly unpacked?

Something like:

a, b, c = *iterator

Which would essentially be:

a, b, c = (*iterator,)

This enables lazy assignment by default but `*` can force complete expansion (and exact matching) of the RHS.

While I find your suggestions very close to my vision and the initial proposal, which I still like. I saw enough of the discussion to realize that by now it is already impossible.
It's a breaking change, but it does have a straightforward fix (simply wrap and unpack any relevant RHS

Although I have never used Python 2, the idea to distinguish fixed-sized and something lazy, even for Python 4, reminds me of the transition from str-unicode to the present state of affairs, but with much higher impact.To be honest, I do not like some aspects of how Python 2 issue has been resolved (especially bytes part) but it is another topic.

With kind regards, -gdg