Hi I've just had a brainwave that may give an even less invasive implementation of PEP 671. It relies on every function having a dict, as provided by https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0232/. Consider: def fn(a, b, c): pass fn.__wibble__ = 123 fn.__wibble__ # Give 123, of course. Now consider: @wibble def fn(a, b, c=None): '''Usual docstring goes here.''' if c is None: c = [] '#wibble' return c.extend([a, b]) The @wibble decorator sets fn.__wibble__ to point to the end of the line just before '#wibble'. We can now define Help(fn) to produce something like: fn(a, b, c=None) Usual docstring goes here. -- if c is None: c = [] There we go. The functionality asked for, in a way that works with existing Python. If nothing else, we can use this for experiments to explore the idea. Often in Python there are functions whose source is self-explanatory. Example: @wibble def fahr_to_cent(fahr): return (fahr - 32) * 5 /9 '#wibble' And now for Help(fahr_to_cent) we get: fahr_to_cent(fahr) -- return (fahr - 32) * 5 /9 Final word. Does anyone use PEP 232, function attributes? If not, perhaps remove it as a waste of space. with kind regards Jonathan