For your particular case of a diamond, the solution below seems simpler to me than yours. What problems may it create which your solution won't? Or you might refine the problem. It's not easy to see the real value of your suggestions. ``` class HighGobelin: def scream(self): self._speak() print("raAaaaAar") def _speak(self): return class CorruptedGobelin(HighGobelin): def _speak(self): print("my corrupted soul makes me wanna scream") class ProudGobelin(HighGobelin): def _speak(self): print("I ... can't ... contain my scream!") class HalfBreed(ProudGobelin, CorruptedGobelin): @property def _speak(self): return super( __class__ if random.choices([True, False]) else ProudGobelin, self )._speak ``` Best regards, Takuo Matsuoka