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I can imagine using a metaclass specialized witch can be activate or desactivate but the cost of decoratorcall still be here...I think its will be a good improvement if we can provide a solution for this, and i ask myself if this can be setin interpreter with a flag to activate for exemple and with no performance cost without the flag set, so youwill have the choice and a good way to check youre code.To have no performance cost perhaps the best way it's to use docstring and pylint...2016-11-23 10:10 GMT+01:00 Paul Moore <>:On 23 November 2016 at 08:08, François Leblanc <> wrote:
> It's why I'd prefer this integrate in language, but if there no way to get
> it without performance cost
> I will have a look to a pylint solution...
The point here is that if there is a way to get it without a
performance cost (I can't imagine there would be, it's got to add a
check for whether you're overriding a method at a minimum, but you may
be able to come up with something) then you can do that within the
language as it stands. It may need a specialised metaclass, but that's
not a problem. At least, if it *is* an issue to you, you can argue for
having it be the behaviour of the default metaclass once you've
demonstrated that it works and doesn't hurt performance. And if there
is a performance hit, then having the behaviour as opt-in based on a
custom metaclass means that people can choose if they want to pay that
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