Dear Developers, Some of you may have noticed I updated my proposal on the subject yesterday. I'm afraid it was too long without a summary, so here is one. I hope this will be helpful to some people. Summary of the refreshed proposal --------------------------------- (1) Simplify the syntax: We wouldn't need the notion of expression list any more, and would be able to use starred expressions at more places. (2) Simplify the syntax about subscription and slicing: A simple new rule describes a well expectable interpretation of natural but currently invalid expressions (mainly those involving stars) which extends the already given interpretation of already valid expressions. (3) There's a difference from PEP 646: Unlike with PEP 646, we won't have e.g., a[*[y]] as a valid expression which is _not_ equivalent to a[y] The origianal post (sorry about its length) can be found at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/message/BEGGQE... as well as the entire thread at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/thread/V2WFMNV... Note: In the original post, the description of how __getitem__ (etc.) method would be got was not precise. However, I hope what I wrote makes sense for most situations. Best regards, Takuo Matsuoka