On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Mark Donald <foobarmus@gmail.com> wrote:
In this situation, which happens to me fairly frequently...
try: try: raise Cheese except Cheese, e: # handle cheese raise except: # handle all manner of stuff, including cheese
...it would be nice (& more readable) if one were able to recatch a named exception with the generic (catch-all) except clause of its own try, something like this:
try: raise Cheese except Cheese, e: # handle cheese recatch except: # handle all manner of stuff, including cheese
I'm not sure recatch is all that more reasonable -- it's another fairly obscure control flow verb. I think the current situation isn't so bad. Nick already pointed out an idiom for doing this without two try clauses: except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, Cheese): # handle cheese # handle all manner of stuff, including cheese -- --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)