On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 3:28 PM Soni L. <fakedme+py@gmail.com> wrote:

For exec/eval you just pass in the locals:

exec(foo, globals(), locals())

because this __getattribute__ is just a local like any other.

As for each module, you'd import them. But not quite with "import":

import extension_methods # magic module, probably provides an
@extend(class_) e.g. @extend(list)
import shallow_flatten
import deep_flatten
__getattribute__ = extension_methods.getattribute(
  shallow_flatten.flatten, # uses __name__
  deepflatten=deep_flatten.flatten, # name override
  __getattribute__=__getattribute__, # optional, defaults to

This would have to be done for each .py that wants to use the extension

I bet you that you could already do this today with a custom import hook.
If you want to "easily" experiment with this, I would suggest having a look at https://aroberge.github.io/ideas/docs/html/index.html
which likely has all the basic scaffolding that you would need.

André Roberge

> ChrisA
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