On 6 May 2018 at 02:06, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4 May 2018 at 22:06, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
(Note: Guido's already told me off-list that he doesn't like the way this spelling reads, but I wanted to share it anyway since it addresses one of the recurring requests in the PEP 572 discussions for a more targeted proposal that focused specifically on the use cases that folks had agreed were reasonable potential use cases for inline assignment expressions.

I'll also note that another potential concern with this specific proposal is that even though "given" wasn't used as a term in any easily discovered Python APIs back when I first wrote PEP 3150, it's now part of the Hypothesis testing API, so adopting it as a keyword now would be markedly more disruptive than it might have been historically)

Since I genuinely don't think this idea is important enough to disrupt hypothesis's public API, I've been pondering potential synonyms that are less likely to be common in real world code, while still being comprehensible and useful mnemonics for the proposed functionality.

I've also been pondering Tim's suggestion of instead enhancing the code generation pipeline's native support for pseudo-keywords in a way that can be explicitly represented in the Grammar and AST, rather than having to be hacked in specifically every time we want to introduce a new keyword without a mandatory __future__ statement (and without creating major compatibility headaches for code that uses those new keywords as attribute or variable names).

While I haven't actually tried this out yet, the way I'm thinking that might look is to add the following nodes to the grammar:

    name_plus: NAME | pseudo_keyword
    pseudo_keyword: 'given'

and the replace all direct uses of 'NAME' in the grammar with 'name_plus'.

That way, to allow a new keyword to be used as a name in addition to its syntactic use case, we'd add it to the pseudo_keyword list in addition to adding it to .

To avoid ambiguities in the grammar, this could only be done for keywords that *can't* be used to start a new expression or statement (so it wouldn't have been sufficient for the async/await case, since 'async' can start statements, and 'await' can start both statements and expressions).

So if Guido's view on the out-of-order execution approach to inline name binding softens, I think this would be a better approach to pursue than making a more awkward keyword choice.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia