Can I suggest that rather than manually producing or tweaking, and later updating, the diagrams it might be better to spend a little time annotating the source code [...] While the diagrams produced might lack the elegance of manually produced ones they would be much more useful as they would always be up to date due to being produced, and updated, automatically.
I think it would be a lot of changes in the source code... I would like to precise, so everybody can know it, the syntax of a .puml is realy simple. For example: test.puml: @startuml hide members show methods abstract class Iterable { {abstract} __iter__() } abstract class Iterator { {abstract} __next__() .. __iter__() } Iterable <|-- Iterator @enduml Then: $ plantuml test.puml And you have test.png I joined.
[...] I am attaching the diagram produced for the full inheritance of collections.abc as produced by doxygen/graphviz but I am sure that there are some options that could make this more readable/useful.
It's a blank file that I have... I've been struggling with those kind of tools these days, and realised that it's a lot more work (and pain) than a plain text file.