On 17 May 2017 at 20:09, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
Hi Stephan,
On 17.05.2017 08:49, Stephan Houben wrote:
2. Not subclassed from tuple. I have been bitten by this subclassing when trying to set up singledispatch on sequences and also on my classes.
Would it make sense to have a 'simpleobject'? Which basically implements a NamedTuple constructor but nothing more?
class Foo(simpleobject): attribute1: User attribute2: Blog attribute3: list
And if you need more __dunder__ magic, have it provided by some mixins?
class Foo(dictlike, tuplelike, simpleobject): attribute1: User attribute2: Blog attribute3: list
def __my_dunder__(self): ...
As I understand this is more or less what is proposed, the idea is to write it into a PEP and consider API/corner cases/implementation/etc. -- Ivan