On Oct 19, 2008, at 8:28 PM, Victor Martin Ulloa wrote:
I noticed a minimalistic pytoncore compiled with VS2005 ( eliminating COMDAT and un-used references, optimized for size ) passes the 2Mb of .LIB ( statically linked ). I think that's a lot considering that LUA uses less than 100Kb.
For small game consoles and devices very small RAM and storage would be very good to reduce this size.
Just the unicode tables are larger than 100kb (in pypy the number seems to be 300kb dunno about CPython). There was recently in pypy a lot of work to discover what is that takes each part of the pypy executable so maybe you could adapt most of the ideas to discover what is each part of those 2MB. Good Luck, []'s -- Leonardo Santagada santagada at gmail.com