- BibTeX is actually somewhat ill-specified, TBH.
- CSL is sponsored by both Zotero and Mendeley.
- A number of search engines support
schema.org (and JSONLD)
- The
schema.org RDFS vocabulary is designed to describe a graph of resources (CreativeWork, Code, SoftwareApplication, ScholarlyArticle, MedicalScholarlyArticle).
__citation__ = [{}, ]
__citation__ = {
'@type': ['schema:ScholarlyArticle'],
'schema:name': '',
'schema:author': [{
'@type': 'schema:Person',
'...': '...'}]
JSONLD is ideal for describing a graph of resources with varied types.
If the overhead of __citation__ for every import is unjustified,
a lookup of methods with dotted names that finds entries for root modules as well would be great:
>>> citations('json.loads')
>>> citations('list.sort')
A tracing debugger could lookup each and every package, module, function, and method each ScholarlyArticle SoftwareApplication executes (from a registry in e.g. a _citations_.py or a _citations_.jsonld.json).
It'd be a shame to need to manually format citations for a particular Journal's CSL bibliographic metadata template preference.
sphinxcontrib-bibtex is a Sphinx extension for BibTeX support (with a bibliography directive and a cite role)
Jupyter notebooks support document-level metadata (in JSON that's currently only similar to
schema.org JSONLD).
On Wednesday, July 4, 2018, Alexander Belopolsky <alexander.belopolsky@gmail.com> wrote:
There's absolutely nothing in the idea that requires a change in Python, and Python developers or users are not, as such, the relevant experts.
This is not entirely true. If some variant of __citation__ is endorsed by the community, I would expect that pydoc would extract this information to fill an appropriate section in the documentation page. Note that pydoc already treats a number of dunder variables specially: '__author__', '__credits__', and '__version__' are a few that come to mind, so I don't think the threshold for adding one more should be too high. On the other hand, maybe '__author__', '__credits__', and '__citation__' should be merged in one structured variable (a dict?) with format designed with some extendability in mind.