On Apr 18, 2016 11:04 AM, "Koos Zevenhoven" <k7hoven@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 18 April 2016 at 05:28, Koos Zevenhoven <k7hoven@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> So here's oneline.py:
> >>
> >> https://gist.github.com/k7hoven/21c5532ce19b306b08bb4e82cfe5a609
> >>
> >
> > Neat, although you'll want to use importlib.import_module() rather than
> > calling __import__ directly (the latter won't behave the way you want when
> > importing submodules, as it returns the top level module for the import
> > statement to bind in the current namespace, rather than the imported
> > submodule)
> >
> Thanks :). That is in fact why I had worked around it by grabbing
> sys.modules[name] instead. Good to know import_module() already does
> the right thing. I now changed the code to use import_module, assuming
> that is the preferred way today. However, to prevent infinite
> recursion when importing submodules, I now do a setattr(parentmodule,
> submodulename, None) before the import (and delattr if the import
> fails).
> >>
> >> I suppose this could be on pypi, and one could do things like
> >>
> >>     oneline.py "random.randint(0,10)"
> >>
> >> or
> >>
> >>     python -m oneline "random.randint(0,10)"
> >>
> >> Any thoughts?
> >
> >
> > There are certainly plenty of opportunities to make Python easier to invoke
> > for one-off commands. Another interesting example is pyp:
> > https://code.google.com/archive/p/pyp/wikis/pyp_manual.wiki
> This is nice, although solves a different problem.
> > A completely undocumented hack I put together while playing one day was a
> > utility to do json -> json transformations via command line pipes:
> > https://bitbucket.org/ncoghlan/misc/src/default/pycall
> So it looks like it would work like this:
> cat input.json | pycall "my.transformation.function" > output.json
> Also a different problem, but cool.
> > The challenge with these kinds of things is getting them from "Hey, look at
> > this cool thing you can do" to "This will materially improve your day-to-day
> > programming experience". The former can still be fun to work on as a hobby,
> > but it's the latter that people need to get over the initial adoption
> > barrier.
> I think the users of oneline.py could be people that now write lots of
> bash scripts and work on the command line. So whenever someone asks a
> question somewhere about how to do X on the linux command line, we
> might have the answer: """
> Q: On the linux commandline, how do I get only the filename from a
> full path that is in $FILEPATH
> A: Python has this. You can use the tools in os.path:
> Filename:
> $ oneline.py "os.path.basename('$FILEPATH')"
> Path to directory:
> $ oneline.py "os.path.dirname('$FILEPATH')"
> """

FILEPATH='for'"example');"'subprocess.call("cat /etc/passwd", shell=True)'

> This might be more appealing than python -c. The whole point is to
> make Python's power available and visible for a larger audience.
> -Koos
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