On Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 14:44 Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <marko.ristin@gmail.com> wrote:
Nathaniel Smith wrote:
In your position, I wouldn't be talking to the core devs; I'd be writing blog posts to proselytize the advantages of contracts, working with popular projects that are interested in adopting them, writing case studies, going to meetups, submitting talks to pycons, that sort of thing. If you want contracts to become a widely-used thing, you have to convince people to use them. The core team doesn't have a magic wand that can short-circuit that process.
I thought python-ideas is an open list to generally discuss ideas, not the core dev list (isn't that python-dev)? That's why I wrote here (after being forwarded from python-dev list).
I agree that these efforts you mention would be worthwhile. Implementation of a (prototype) library and participating in the discussions on this mail list are the maximum effort I can put up at the moment. Maybe in 2019 I could manage to go to the local Python summit.
Python-ideas is for ideas for changing the python language or standard library. And the subthread I was replying to was about adding contracts support to the stdlib, so you're in the right place for that discussion. I was trying to explain why trying to add contract support to the stdlib doesn't make much sense right now. And if you switch your focus to trying to recruit users and collaborators, like I recommend, then python-ideas isn't the best place to do that. Most of your potential users aren't here! -n