On 03/01/2017 11:41 PM, Stephan Houben wrote:
I have a slight variant of the decorator proposal. Rather than specify a count, let the decorator implement the typeshed dunder convention:
@positional_only def replace(self, __old, __new, count=-1):
(I imagine this decorator would also treat "self" as position_only, so no need for __self.)
Pros: 1. Consistent with the typeshed convention.
Only a pro if you like that convention. ;)
2. Avoids a count. 3. Strictly opt-in, so hopefully keeps those @#?! underscore preservationists from picketing my lawn (again!).
Using a decorator is also strictly opt-in. Oh, and did someone say it was time for the protest? [----------------------] [----------------------] [ ] [ ] [ NO MORE UNDERSCORES! ] [ NO MORE UNDERSCORES! ] [ ] [ ] [----------------------] [----------------------] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-| |-| -- ~Ethan~