To add some numbers to this discussion. Using the patch I provided earlier, I tried running some performance comparisons against different call patterns & dictionary sizes: These tests have two versions: direct_index: uses the __getitem__ method in the patch (O(n)) on the view list_copy: converts the view into list(), then does an index lookup Each score is the fastest result of running the test 10 times. Accessing the last item [-1] using the __getitem__ approach is the *worst-case scenario* for the __getitem__ method. d.keys()[-1] vs list(d.keys())[-1] Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 1.85x Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 2.18x Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 6us Speedup: 7.68x Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 6us list_copy: took 119us Speedup: 19.38x Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 129us list_copy: took 6065us Speedup: 47.12x Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 2827us list_copy: took 210419us Speedup: 74.43x random.choice(d.items()) vs random.choice(list(d.items())) Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 3us list_copy: took 3us Speedup: 1.23x Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 3us list_copy: took 5us Speedup: 1.75x Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 5us list_copy: took 19us Speedup: 4.23x Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 7us list_copy: took 2771us Speedup: 377.55x Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 112us list_copy: took 76626us Speedup: 682.33x Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 1667us list_copy: took 1602864us Speedup: 961.37x d.items()[0] vs list(d.items())[0] Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 1us Speedup: 1.75x Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 1.84x Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 19us Speedup: 30.87x Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2867us Speedup: 4777.73x Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 73268us Speedup: 112719.85x Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 1604230us Speedup: 2765900.12x So, use-case discussions aside, you get some pretty convincing performance wins even on small-ish dictionaries if direct indexing is used. Steve On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 3:11 PM Stephen J. Turnbull < turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
Jim Baker writes:
We should keep the most heavily accessed object type in Python as lightweight as possible, and then build interesting structures around it, just like we always do.
But we're not talking about the dict itself in this subthread. We're talking about views, and the implementation of comparing items containing non-hashable values for equality will be done in a view method which is already worst-case O(n), not a dict method.
Note that the current implementation means that an equality comparison can raise, and that's a very bad thing. If you look at the thread Inada-san cited a couple posts back, you'll see some very strong statements in support of the proposition that == should *never* raise. I find that persuasive.
I'm still against the implementation of "values view as sequence", since all the alleged use cases are of the form "maybe you'd want this someday for a really big dict so you don't want to listify so you can sort/index/etc." Show me real code, preferably production (ie, used at work -- might even be a throwaway script) and I'll concede there's an argument. But nothing abstract is gonna move me even one Planck unit from -1. (That's just my opinion, as usual YMMV etc) _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-ideas.python.org/ Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/message/A6XVKF... Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/