On 1/30/07, Ron Adam <rrr@ronadam.com> wrote:
In order to resolve a path conflict where I'm working on several copies of the same package. I found it useful to add the following near the top of modules in a package or sub package.
Module in package:
import sys sys.path = ['..'] + sys.path
import package.module # Imports module in "this!" package.
Note: There could still be conflicts if a module with the same name is in the same directory as the package. But that's much less likely than one in the rest of the path.
Module in sub-package:
import sys sys.path = ['../..'] + sys.path
import package.subpackage.module # finds "self" (subpackage) reliably.
By explicitly adding the packages parent directory to the *front* of sys.path it resolves cases where imports using absolute imports, import modules from another package because they are found first in the search path.
Why aren't you using relative imports (e.g., ``from . import module``)? That should be doing exactly what you want. That uses __path__ which is set to the path of the package. -Brett