On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 1:19 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
Mariano Reingart wrote:
Sorry if there is any mistake, I hope the interested people (here in Argentina at least), with more experience in C and Python, would help me to fix/enhance this and/or champion it.
Do you think this is the right way?
The basic concept appears sound, but you'll want to work against the py3k branch rather than trunk.
Done (sorry for the 2-year delay), it implements Py_GETTEXT against py3.3+: http://bugs.python.org/issue16344 Updated proposal: http://python.org.ar/pyar/TracebackInternationalizationProposal BTW, I've make a patch for a related issue too (utf-8): http://bugs.python.org/issue16343 If this Traceback Internationalization Proposal makes sense, I could present it on the PyCon Argentina 2012 Core-Python Sprint to see if we can advance it: http://ar.pycon.org/2012/projects/index#134 Best regards Mariano Reingart http://www.sistemasagiles.com.ar http://reingart.blogspot.com