no one can tell what either '+' or '|' does in this context without guessing, because it does do neither "arithmetic addition", nor "concatenation", nor "union set" (or bitwise op, or any other op one could come up). '+' is more familiar or '|' might even be completely new for some users, but this distinction does not help making '+' in this context "more obvious".
What I can only say for sure is that it is an operation on two dicts and the result is possibly again a dict. So consulting the doc will be needed in either case.
Union set, while being commutative, is not a manifestation of the "addition idea", but of something else - a union set idea :), which is different from the addition idea, because it is not only more specialized, but, and this is the important difference, requires recognition of another concept - identity, which the addition does not need, and on the abstract (idea) level operates differently (vaguely saying, "addition" preserves the integrity, "union set" preserves the identity).