>  Please stop arguing.

As far as I'm concerned, we weren't. :)

> No, It is because tulles aren’t callable. So it CANNOT have a meaning.

True, I realized that only after I sent it.

> I didn't really follow the discussions on the PEP that relaxed the
> rules, but I'd say that the current (restrictive) rules were there to
> avoid people using "weird" stuff as decorators. The relaxation allows
> more flexibility, but at the cost of allowing people to do weird
> stuff. So let's just tell people not to do that - there's not much
> point in trying to define a *different* rule for "useful but not weird
> stuff" IMO.

> The consistent rule is that the grammar doesn’t judge what users want to do with the language.

Maybe I expressed myself incorrectly. I am in no way saying that this shouldn't be allowed—on the contrary: I'm the first to say that  the grammar shouldn't judge what users want to do with the language (Python's flexibility is one of the main aspects I love about it, if not *the* main aspect). I want that to be 100% valid Python. I was just saying, from a code style perspective, it would be sensible to always parenthesize constructs of the sort:

    @(a + b * c**d % e)
    def func(): pass

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 15:41, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Please stop arguing.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 20:07 Paolo Lammens <lammenspaolo@gmail.com> wrote:
I also wanted to add:


    @a, b, c
    def func(): ...

was prohibited (i.e. you must use parentheses) because [it looks like] it doesn't make any sense,

No, It is because tulles aren’t callable. So it CANNOT have a meaning.

shouldn't be also the case that any expression with spaces should be parenthesized? Because this looks equally "wrong":

    @a + b * c**d % e
    def func(): pass

A set of overloads could be devised to make this do something useful.

Granted, there is no rule resembling this anywhere else in Python, but maybe an exception can be made here, to keep it consistent with the above?

What consistency? The consistent rule is that the grammar doesn’t judge what users want to do with the language.

--Guido (mobile)