Thank you Guido, Chris, Matt and Richard for your feedback to my last email.
Here is an updated version called "Template Literals".
I much prefer:
Alternative Ideas
Instead of backticks for example t'...'
could be used.
instead of a new syntax being introduced.
It would be great to consider a variation of this, where `t` is a normal function in scope that takes the proposed class attributes as arguments, and simply returns a new object.
Something similar to:
def html(raw_str, parts):
escaped = []
for part, is_substitute in parts:
if is_substitute:
return MarkupSafe("".join(escaped))
With the idea that:
name = 'Bob <the rock>'
fragment = html'Hello: <b>{name}</b>'
results in fragment being: MarkupSafe("Hello: <b>Bob <the rock></b>")
The equivalent for SQL could return a `Statement` object with appropriate placeholders used.
If you don't like this approach, it would be nice to include it in the alternate/rejected sections.