On 19.01.2018 05:38, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Can someone explain to me why this is such a controversial issue?
I guess practicality versus purity is always controversial :-)
It seems reasonable to me to add new encodings to the stdlib that do the roundtripping requested in the first message of the thread. As long as they have new names that seems to fall under "practicality beats purity".
There are a few issues here: * WHATWG encodings are mostly for decoding content in order to show it in the browser, accepting broken encoding data. Python already has support for this by using one of the available error handlers, or adding new ones to suit the needs. If we'd add the encodings, people will start creating more broken data, since this is what the WHATWG codecs output when encoding Unicode. As discussed, this could be addressed by making the WHATWG codecs decode-only. * The use case seems limited to implementing browsers or headless implementations working like browsers. That's not really general enough to warrant adding lots of new codecs to the stdlib. A PyPI package is better suited for this. * The WHATWG codecs do not only cover simple mapping codecs, but also many multi-byte ones for e.g. Asian languages. I doubt that we'd want to maintain such codecs in the stdlib, since this will increase the download sizes of the installers and also require people knowledgeable about these variants to work on them and fix any issues. Overall, I think either pointing people to error handlers or perhaps adding a new one specifically for the case of dealing with control character mappings would provide a better maintenance / usefulness ratio than adding lots of new legacy codecs to the stdlib. BTW: WHATWG pushes for always using UTF-8 as far as I can tell from their website.
(Modifying existing encodings seems wrong -- did the feature request somehow transmogrify into that?)
Someone did discover that Microsoft's current implementations of the windows-* encodings matches the WHAT-WG spec, rather than the Unicode spec that Microsoft originally wrote.
No, MS implements somethings called "best fit encodings" and these are different than what WHATWG uses. Unlike the WHATWG encodings, these are documented as vendor encodings on the Unicode site, which is what we normally use as reference for out stdlib codecs. However, whether these are actually a good idea, is open to discussion as well, since they sometimes go a bit far with "best fit", e.g. mapping the infinity symbol to 8. Again, using the error handles we have for dealing with situations which require non-standard encoding behavior are the better approach: https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/codecs.html#error-handlers Adding new ones is possible as well.
So there is some argument that the Python's existing encodings are simply out of date, and changing them would be a bugfix. (And standards aside, it is surely going to be somewhat error-prone if Python's windows-1252 doesn't match everyone else's implementations of windows-1252.) But yeah, AFAICT the original requesters would be happy either way; they just want it available under some name.
The encodings are not out of date. I don't know where you got that impression from. The Windows API WideCharToMultiByte which was quoted in the discussion: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd374130%28v=vs.85%... unfortunately uses the above mentioned best fit encodings, but this can and should be switched off by specifying the WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS for anything that requires validation or needs to be interoperable: """ For strings that require validation, such as file, resource, and user names, the application should always use the WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS flag. This flag prevents the function from mapping characters to characters that appear similar but have very different semantics. In some cases, the semantic change can be extreme. For example, the symbol for "∞" (infinity) maps to 8 (eight) in some code pages. """ -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jan 19 2018)
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