I understand that Python itself should work with classes with any sort of crazy semantics, and I appreciate your spelling it out. We could say that the bar for the Python implementation is the highest, since who knows what experimental == someone might cook up playing around, and you would like the underlying Python layers to hold up correctly no matter what. Now I chose the lines from the Python modules as just a random source of PEP8 compliant code, but I think I confused my message there, which was about "regular" not Python implementation code. Here is my proposal:
Add the following parenthetical to the mandatory-is rule: (this rule is optional for code that is not part of an implementation of Python).
So if I have a line like this if x == None: and this is in a Python program that is using regular old Python classes like int and list and dict and whatever. It is not importing a class with weird == semantics. We would agree, that == is going to work perfectly in that case. My code is relying on the == of the classes it uses, and that is sensible. Or perhaps my proposal should have been "It's permissible to use == in cases where it works correctly." Is PEP8 well served to forbid using == in cases where it works perfectly? Best, Nick On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 3:42 PM Carl Meyer <carl@oddbird.net> wrote:
Hi Nick,
On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 4:25 PM Nick Parlante <nick@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
I don't know Chris, doesn't this just show that If you construct a class with a, shall we say, "oddball" definition of ==, then using == on that class gets oddball results. And it goes without saying that we all understand that None and False and True (the dominant cases where PEP8 is forcing "is") will always have sensible definitions of ==.
If you have `if x == None:`, you don't only have to care about whether `None` has an "oddball" definition of ==, you also have to care about whether the type of `x` does! Since in many of these cases `x` is something passed in from outside the function, you may not have any idea about or control over its type. That's why people are telling you that almost all the occurrences you've found would in fact be unsafe if changed from `is` to `==`, and it's very rare that you can "eyeball" a particular case and declare confidently that it would be fine to switch it from `is` to `==`.