On 6/28/2020 4:10 PM, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
From: https://github.com/python/peps/commit/0c6427dcec1e98ca0bd46a876a7219ee4a9347...
Instead of requiring that comments be written in Strunk & White Standard English, require instead that English-language comments be clear and easily understandable by other English speakers. This accomplishes the same goal without upholding relics of white supremacy. Many native English speakers do not use Standard English as their native dialect, so requiring conformation to Standard English centers whiteness in an inappropriate and unnecessary way, and can alienate and put up barriers for people of color and those whose native dialect of English is not Standard English. This change is a simple way to correct that while maintaining the original intent of the requirement.
This has nothing to do with making the wording "clear and understandable" (I agree on that). It's about, once again, bringing race-based politics into Python, and spreading hate towards a specific group of people: whites. Whether you're aware of it or not, there is a term for this: it's racism. I want to remind everyone that most of us here simply want to contribute code. We do it for free, and don't want to be involved in "this", because frankly it's disgusting. Doing something out of passion and for free, and at the same time seeing these sorts of things happening on a regular basis, looks and feels like an insult, and will only lead to people leaving this place.
Really, I would hate to see this list descend into voluminous discussions on racism. I haven't seen an comments yet that agreed with the OP that PEP 8 authors wrote anything racist. If fact, I suspect the authors would vehemently deny such an accusation. Please, can we just drop this discussion? --Edwin