To reframe the problem (set the subject line), a segment tree of available features for the current/a given Python interpreter would be useful.

* [ ] this could be e.g. '' and
* [ ] requested of (new) implementations (with historical data)
* [ ] very simple Python package (python.features ?)

On May 30, 2015 7:54 AM, "Wes Turner" <> wrote:

Would it be useful to have one Python source file with an OrderedDict of
(API_feat_lbl, [(start, None)]) mappings
and a lookup?

* [ ] feat/version segments/rays map
* [ ] .lookup("print[_function]")

Syntax ideas:

* has("print[_function]")


* More pythonic to check for features than capabilities
* Forward maintainability




* six, nine, future
* try/import ENOENT