I propose a syntax for constructing/filtering strings analogous to the one available for all other builtin iterables. It could look something like this.
dirty = "f8sjGe7" clean = c"char for char in dirty if char in string.ascii_letters" clean 'fsjGe'
Currently, the best way to do this (in the general case) seems to be the following.
clean = "".join(char for char in dirty if char in string.ascii_letters)
But I think the proposed syntax would be superior for two main reasons. - Consistency with the comprehension style for all other iterables (which seems to be one of the most beloved features of python) - Confusion surrounding the str.join(iter) syntax is very well documented <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/493819/why-is-it-string-joinlist-instead...> and I believe it is particularly unintuitive when the string is empty I also believe the following reasons carry some weight. - Skips unnecessary type switching from str to iter and back to str - Much much MUCH more readable/intuitive Please let me know what you all think. It was mentioned (by @rhettinger) in the PBT issue <https://bugs.python.org/issue43900> that this will likely require a PEP which I would happily write if there is a positive response. -- *David Álvarez Lombardi* Machine Learning Spanish Linguist Amazon | Natural Language Understanding Boston, Massachusetts alvarezdqal <https://www.linkedin.com/in/alvarezdqal/>