Am 13.10.2011 07:48, schrieb Nick Coghlan:
Oh, I'll also note that the class variant gives you the full power of PEP 3150 without any (especially) funky new namespace semantics:
:x = property(@.get, @.set, @.delete) class scope: def get(self): return __class__.attr def set(self, val): __class__.attr = val def delete(self): del __class__.attr
Sorry, I don't think this looks like Python anymore. Defining a class just to get at a throwaway namespace? Using "@" as an identifier? Using ":" not as a suite marker? This doesn't have any way for a casual reader to understand what's going on. (Ordinary decorators are bad enough, but I think it is possible to grasp that the @foo stuff is some kind of "annotation".) Georg